The RTW Hub tool aims to:

  • Decrease days of lost work by reducing lapses of communication

  • Focus medical providers on best practices

  • Improve outcomes for injured workers and the system by helping to better coordinate care

  • Utilize data analytics to refine the algorithm for providers completing the RTW questionnaire

One Hub to Rule them All

  • Decrease days of lost work with the use of electronic signatures and real-time document sharing with a central hub all stokeholders can access.

  • Smart technologies help physicians to implement best practices. Secure electronic signature for documents and unique employee QR codes facilitates quick access to patient information for all, reducing time and costs.

Solid Science for Better Decision-Making

  • Recommendations from expert consensus panels are incorporated into questionnaire processes. This focus on best practices will help to clarify and improve decision making by healthcare professionals. Research shows that “employees treated by physicians who more frequently used the recommended best practices experienced quicker return to work than employees treated by physicians who used best practices less frequently.”

  • Understanding well-studied influences on decision making including priming and framing effects will improve the way questions are asked in RTW forms. The process of improving questionnaires will be an ongoing one, with analytics fueling continued refinement based on user experience and outcomes.

Communication. Elevated.

  • Doctor communication is frequently cited as the number one issue causing delays in return to work. These lapses in communication can be eliminated in a single keystroke with real-time sharing of electronically signed PDF forms.

  • Studies have shown that it usually takes between 7 and 21 days for a form to be submitted by a physician for an employee with an injury. The result of these delays is many unnecessary days of lost work. [Physician Role in RTW Report]. The RTW Hub tool will reduce lapses in communication with real-time document sharing.


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